“Let’s look at the really rich, how often do they end up just like the poor? When they travel abroad they too must restrict their baggage, and when they’re in a rush, they leave their entourage behind.” - Seneca
Wealth often has limited use.
Seneca reminds us that even the richest must sometimes leave their possessions behind. So, we should appreciate that what truly matters isn’t what we own but how we show up in life and work. In sales, chasing commissions is important, but focusing solely on monetary rewards can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction. True success lies in the relationships we build and the value we deliver.
Consider Bill Gates: his wealth is undeniable, but his real legacy is the impact he’s making through philanthropy.
So, ask yourself today, are you chasing numbers or creating meaningful connections?
Actionable tips:
- Instead of being purely commission-driven, focus on the customer and how your product or service can genuinely help them. This will not only foster long-term relationships but also naturally lead to more sustainable success.
- Streamline your sales process. Cut out unnecessary tools or time-wasting activities, and concentrate on what brings value to the client.
Remember you will die.
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The Sales Stoic draws inspiration from the profound wisdom of Stoicism as presented in Ryan Holiday's "The Daily Stoic." As avid readers & fans, we deeply respect the work of Ryan Holiday, and acknowledge the significant impact of Stoic philosophy on our own approach to sales and life.
While The Sales Stoic applies the core principles of Stoicism to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by salespeople, it is an original work with its own distinct voice and focus. We aim to build upon the timeless wisdom of Stoicism to empower sales professionals with practical guidance and actionable insights for success in their careers and personal lives.
Zac Thompson
Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting
Jack Frimston
Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting
If I had a little money, in a rich man's world. You didn't know the words to that, did you? didn't. 23rd of January. Let's pass over to the really rich. How often the occasions they look just like the poor. When they travel abroad, they must restrict their baggage and when haste is necessary, they dismiss their entourage. And those who are in the army, how few of their possessions they get to keep. Seneca. You can't take it with you, love.
You bloody can't, can can't take it with you. So I want to talk a little bit about money because that's the theme of today's episode. Yeah, that makes sense. Commission breath salespeople. I heard a story about the best salesperson that ever existed. So was during the 1960s, you know, where was all the car shortages and everybody wanted to buy cars and he was a used car salesperson.
And he'd sold like thousands of cars every year. And when they asked him why he was the best salesperson in the whole of the U S you know, he said, go on. He said, I don't make it my mission to sell them a car. I make it my mission to make sure that they buy their next car from me. Wow. So that's like a real philosophy. Like that's a real philosophy change in terms of mindset. I'm not necessarily trying to sell to everyone because we know that you can't sell to everybody in this, this world.
But what I do want to make sure is that I build enough rapport trust that at some point you buy from me. Interesting. Interesting. It's funny. Isn't it? Money is a story. I'm sure people have read sapiens before, but money is a story. It's probably the greatest story that we've ever told ourselves that paper and metal is worth something. And if I give someone paper and metal, they give me something in return. But the trouble that we fall into is
There's actually no part of your brain that's the money compartment. And yet we treat it as something that's really valuable and true to us because money affords something else that's much more important to human beings and that status. when is enough? The state as part of your brain is never satisfied. So all that happens is, you know, as sales people, can say, well, if I make another thousand pound, then I'd be happy. So I'm going to move job to put another thousand pound on my paycheck. But then you still get the same.
problem because you're still, you're just playing a different set of status games. All right. Well, maybe it's 10,000 pound then that I need. Well, now you're just playing another set of status games with 10,000 pound instead. So it's not necessarily money is not the problem. And it's not, it's not necessarily a problem. You know, I'm not saying I'm anti money, but it's what is the motivation to get it, what you're hoping it achieves and what if it doesn't get you there? Hmm. It's the hedonic treadmill. Um, we've got a carousel. I'm going to spin it around now because money.
is an interesting one when it comes to salespeople and their belief system. Oh, nice. Do you like that? Yes. Spun it round. Detour. There's a carousel here. I'm going to spin it and we're going to take a big detour. What I want to talk about. Whoa, hold on a second. OK. I didn't expect you to do that. detour about what? I want to talk about salespeople and their belief systems when it comes to money. Nice. See what you did. Can I tell you something? I liked it. Thank you. Great reaction.
So it's so interesting, salespeople will be on the phone with someone and they'll be like, yeah, obviously this year we've turned over a million pounds, which is maybe disappointing for prospect A because they want to do 10 million pounds like competitor A or competitor B or whatever it is. They go, a million pounds? Wow, that's amazing. Because that's your money belief. But everybody's got different beliefs. So you might think money doesn't grow on trees. So that was something you were told as a child.
actually, I'm quite scarce with money. So money beliefs in salespeople can present themselves to be quite dangerous at times. Have you seen that in salespeople along your journey? Yeah. And it's funny that you talk about, think we pick up a lot of our money beliefs from maybe parents, grandparents, certainly family, let's say like the stories that you've learned. So I reckon people have had a figure in their life who's come home and led down the sofa and said, oh, work's going to kill me one day. Or you've asked for something, they've got, I'm not made of money. Yeah.
and they've made up monies, this real scarce thing. One of the things that I picked up in my life is my, my nan always says, you get what you pay for. You hear that's good, but that's what I've always thought about. And maybe right or wrongly, but if I see an expensive price tag, my brain, because of that story goes, must be good. So who's to say that you're not dealing with the prospect who goes, you're the more expensive option. that's where I assign quality in my brain. I think you must be good now.
So everyone's got their own different money beliefs and as salespeople, we can explore those as well. I mean, I've found that in our sales process, the best thing to do is be really upfront with the price. I know it's not for everyone on our website. It says how much we're going to charge. If you try and book a call with me, it says how much we're going to charge to the extreme. actually try and actively disappoint if I even tell you not to do it. And then when you're sat down with us, it's the first thing that I mentioned. Look, we're going to be working to this for this amount of time.
It's probably going to cost you this amount of money. get it. If you're not comfortable with that, most people go, no, no, no, no. I'm completely comfortable with that. The issue comes with salespeople who are holding that belief so close. They're not playing the money card till right at the end. they're going, we're okay. We're two grand a month. they're like, they're wincing. You know what mean? They're shielding themselves from the response. The advice I would give to somebody that struggles with that is I think there's a beautiful.
thing that you can do with framing is you can, you can preempt it, can't you? So you could say at the start of a call, listen, I always, I get a bit weird when it comes to the money. Obviously I don't know if I'm going to say something that's going to offend you or whatever. So if I just give you the price, the price, if you think it's ridiculous, will you just tell me straight away? Yeah. And if you think it's not ridiculous, are you happy to discuss next steps? Yeah, of course. And then you've dealt with it upfront. So you're not waiting to that bit where you feel awkward and then you kind of.
Just set your stall in the best way possible. I would ask you salespeople to kind of question what are my beliefs? How do I feel about money? What is a lot of money? I know that I heard a story about somebody, I think it was Daniel Priestley talking about what he thought a lot of money was and his boss made him get that amount of money out of the ATM and put it in his pocket on a daily basis until his money beliefs change. I'm not saying do anything as big as that, but just question.
What is a lot of money to you and why is that a lot of money to you? You can change your beliefs. Really, really good. And I'd also say that we often think the worst about money. So if someone says, well, how much does it cost? So prospect says, well, go on. What's the, what's the cost of this? Obviously you can get into it. What do you mean by cost? When people say that because of this negative belief and this negative bias we've got, if you start off that frame by saying, well, I'll tell you Jack, but
It's going to be a lot more than you're expecting. Are you sitting down? Yeah, I'm sat down on this server. Right. Well, sometimes when I tell people this, the phone goes down immediately and I never speak to them ever again. OK, I know I'm not going to hang up.
It's 500 pounds. But more often than not, when you deliver, that's not bad. Exactly. Exactly. And I, whenever I deliver a price is when I say it's X amount of money, but obviously that might be ridiculous to you. And they always go, no, that's not ridiculous. They fight straight away on that bit. So there's games to play within it. think, I think money is a game in itself. Question your money beliefs. I've been Jack Frimston. I've been Zach Thompson. Remember you will die.
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