“Clear false impressions from your mind by reminding yourself: I have the inner strength to keep out any negativity, desires, or any kind of distractions. Instead, I'll focus on seeing things as they truly are and responding appropriately.” - Marcus Aurelius
Your inner strength is your best defense against negativity and distractions. Create a personal mantra to remind yourself of this power. Like Rocky Balboa rising from defeat, a mantra can keep you grounded and focused during tough sales calls, rejections, or high-pressure moments.
In sales, as in life, you’ll face setbacks, pressure, and noise. But your response is your choice
A strong mantra isn’t just a shield; it’s a reminder that you can rise above challenges and stay focused on what truly matters.
Repeat it. Believe it. Let it guide you forward.
Actionable tips:
- Develop a short mantra that reflects your role or mission in sales (e.g., “I help businesses grow,” or “I solve problems, not just close deals”). And remember, no one ever died from a cold call.
- Use your mantra before challenging calls or meetings to maintain focus and block out stress.
- Practice repeating it daily, especially when dealing with rejection or high-pressure situations, to reinforce your mental resilience.
Remember you will die.
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Subscribe to The Sales Stoic for daily insights: https://www.dealfront.com/resources/the-sales-stoic
Follow Jack & Zac: Jack: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-frimston-5010177b/ Zac: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zac-thompson-33a9a39b/
Connect with We Have a Meeting: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/we-have-a-meeting/ Website: https://www.wehaveameeting.com/
The Sales Stoic draws inspiration from the profound wisdom of Stoicism as presented in Ryan Holiday's "The Daily Stoic." As avid readers & fans, we deeply respect the work of Ryan Holiday, and acknowledge the significant impact of Stoic philosophy on our own approach to sales and life.
While The Sales Stoic applies the core principles of Stoicism to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by salespeople, it is an original work with its own distinct voice and focus. We aim to build upon the timeless wisdom of Stoicism to empower sales professionals with practical guidance and actionable insights for success in their careers and personal lives.
Jack Frimston
Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting
Zac Thompson
Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting
Wow. There was some power behind that mantra. It's the 26th of January. Happy birthday to your son. It's his first. It's his first. And he's behaving like it. I'm sick of it. the cake about it, you know what I mean? He's winding me up. He's got some very strong opinions on Brexit as well, which we can talk about another time. I've got your friend and mine, Marcus Aurelius. Sit comfortably. Not for the whole thing.
Yes, yes. So mantras, typically used in Buddhism, would be something that
when you're trying to meditate, it's just a thought that you can keep in your mind that keeps you focused. So maybe like a dot in the distance, I'm just focusing on that. Or if you're meditating, you're focusing on your breath. But it's great to have a mantra to just keep your mind from getting distracted and thinking, did I put the bins out last night? What time do I need to put the lottery on by? All of those different things, having a mantra playing over and over in your head helps keep you focused. And
It really helps you in the sales world as well. Just a couple of different mantras that help you get through your day to day. What are some of your favorites? One of my favorite mantras is, no one ever died from a cold call. Why do you like that? Because we had some new starters in our office recently and one of them said, do you ever get that feeling just before you cold call where your whole body feels like it's about to shut down? I said, yeah, like that's that.
That's kind of the blood flowing and the fear of rejection that's about to happen. But just reminding yourself that one line, that one sentence over and over again, nobody's ever died from a cold call. Nobody's ever died from a cold call. Okay, what's the worst thing that could happen? Just reminding yourself in that moment, what could actually go wrong? Well, no one's gonna die. It's going to be okay. And then focusing on that allows you to...
not overthink what might happen, what might go wrong. It allows you to be in the present moment and actually focus on having a conversation with the other person. Really, really good. Can I share one with you that I Please. So I think my favourite Stoic quote ever is Seneca's, I suffer more in my imagination than I do in reality. Because it's so true, isn't it? Like if the imagination takes over before you know it, you're suffering and you're suffering.
Way ahead of time. You're either suffering about something that hasn't happened yet or something that won't happen. So what's the point? If it hasn't got there, what's the point? And there's this great thing of we had, I've forgotten the name of those two ladies we had on the podcast. They were amazing. They were lovely. We'll put their Instagram handle in the bio. But they said, you are who you are in traffic. Yeah.
So that, that version of yourself that you are in traffic where you're slamming your hand on the wheel. point your middle finger up, middle finger up. I'm going to be late. God, why is this my life right now? That's who you are. But the power of a mantra would be saying in that moment, I suffer more in my imagination than I do in reality. I'm suffering in this moment completely in my imagination. Totally fictionalized, but that's who I really am. In that moment. I'm either the calm stoic reasonable person on the person who's
absolutely kicking off. I'm a complete slave to my emotions. Put that onto a cold call. Are you then the person who's throwing themselves on the floors and why does everyone hate me? This is just such a bad day. Or you're all saying, well, this is par for the course. I'm just, of course that's a rejection. I get more rejection in this job because it's a sales job, you know, and, if I work past these rejections and keep going and that step closer to the yes.
But really it's just accepting things as they are not as you want them to be. million percent. It's where the worry comes in. So you might be worrying about things. One of the things that I try to think of my own mantra is one day I'll be dead and will I really be worrying about this on my deathbed? Thinking about it, projecting yourself into the future in 50 years when it's all said and done, will I be thinking about this moment now? Or if not, then why am going to hang on to it now?
paying that tax before the bills come. It's those beautiful things. And we spoke about morning routines earlier in the month. One of Marcus Aurelius quotes, every morning when my alarm goes off and I go, I don't want to get out of bed. alarm didn't go off. No, his alarm didn't go off. But Marcus Aurelius' words go off in my mind and it's, what was I put on this earth to do? Yeah. Do you know what mean? I wasn't put on this earth to stay in bed. And I'm just like, yep.
And it's using those quotes or mantras or finding things that work for you just to remind yourselves and maybe you put mantras on a sticky note and you stick them on your desk or maybe you put them on your notebook or I've got remember you will die on my screensaver. So I'm constantly seeing all these different things to remind us in those moments so that you can have the right mindset because if you've got the right mindset then you can have the right beliefs then you can take the right actions and everything follows on from that. Yeah.
Memento More. There's also Amor Fatte. Do you know Amor Fatte? I love life. Lover of fate. Lover of fate, that was the one. That's just to accept things as they are. matter what happens, it's just, well, this is just the hand I'm dealt. I will accept everything as it comes. Yeah, it's so powerful. We've both got the Memento More coin in our office and
Just find things that work for you as a salesperson. Maybe it's, I solve problems for a living. It's 50-50 between me and the prospect. Find things that are gonna help you, that remind you that sales isn't a worthless job to work in. Beautiful. I've been Jack Frimston. I've been Zach Thompson. Memento more, remember you will die. Smells like teen spirit.