“Don't be bounced around, but evaluate every impulse through the lens of justice, and stay true to your convictions in every situation.” - Marcus Aurelius
It's easy to act impulsively, whether it's sending a hasty email or reacting emotionally to feedback. However, the Stoic principle of thinking before acting helps us stay grounded and aligned with our values.
Taking a moment to breathe and reflect on decisions ensures they are driven by purpose, not impulse. This approach not only helps maintain your integrity but also enhances long-term success by preventing decisions driven by temporary emotions or external pressure.
Try this: Keep a note on your desk to remind you to pause before acting. In high-pressure moments, this small action can make a big difference in how you respond, helping you stay focused on your goals and navigate challenges more effectively.
Actionable tips:
- Implement a “cooling-off” period before responding to emails or making decisions. Take a moment to consider how your response aligns with your values and objectives.
- Watch "Why Emotional Intelligence Is Key to Sales Success" by Jeb Blount (YouTube) for Blount’s advice on how controlling emotional responses can improve client interactions and negotiations, with specific strategies tailored for sales. Then establish a clear set of principles that guide your sales approach. Regularly review these values to ensure your decisions and actions reflect them.
- Create a culture of accountability by seeking input from colleagues or mentors. This can help you assess whether your impulses align with your stated goals and values.
- Give Jeb Blount a follow to get more insights from a leading voice in sales strategy and emotional intelligence.
Remember you will die.
Watch The Sales Stoic on Stream by Dealfront: https://www.dealfront.com/resources/stream/the-sales-stoic
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Subscribe to The Sales Stoic for daily insights: https://www.dealfront.com/resources/the-sales-stoic
Follow Jack & Zac: Jack: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-frimston-5010177b/ Zac: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zac-thompson-33a9a39b/
Connect with We Have a Meeting: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/we-have-a-meeting/ Website: https://www.wehaveameeting.com/
The Sales Stoic draws inspiration from the profound wisdom of Stoicism as presented in Ryan Holiday's "The Daily Stoic." As avid readers & fans, we deeply respect the work of Ryan Holiday, and acknowledge the significant impact of Stoic philosophy on our own approach to sales and life.
While The Sales Stoic applies the core principles of Stoicism to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by salespeople, it is an original work with its own distinct voice and focus. We aim to build upon the timeless wisdom of Stoicism to empower sales professionals with practical guidance and actionable insights for success in their careers and personal lives.
Jack Frimston
Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting
Zac Thompson
Co-Founder at We Have a Meeting
You impulsive swine. control my impulses. No, no, you don't. Before nine o'clock I do. You are a swine upon this vessel. Is that Ray Winston you're doing? You are a swine upon vessel. What's the date, mate? And I will throw you overboard. It's the fifth of February. It's a great day. And it's our old friend. It's Curly Chops. Curly Chops is back on the mix. Marcus Aurelius. Good old Marcus. Don't be bounced around, but submit.
every impulse to the claims of justice and protect your clear conviction in every appearance. there's loads of ways that we could take this with impulses. And I probably don't want to take it the way that the first thought I always think when we're talking about different things, it's like maybe like stew on it little bit more. What else can we take? Because typically the first thought may not be the best. It's a bit like you stick with it. You might find a few other options.
So impulses is an interesting one. And I think about this in the sales process where people might push you. Oh, okay. So the prospects being impulsive. Yeah. They're saying, just let me see a demo. Send me an email. Yeah. And salespeople, often, more often than not, struggle to control their impulses and just give in and they vomit. And they just say, these are our features of benefits.
This is what we do and these are all of our prices. And then the prospect goes, cool. Thanks for all the free consultancy. I've got all the answers I need. Why would I ever need to sit down with you? I thought was really good. And I think actually if we were to play this on the prospect side, oftentimes what's happening is expectations haven't been managed. They're probably non-existent. So you've, you've walked someone in and they're like, well, I just want to see what you do. They're not aware that there has to be this.
symptom fan in this consultancy piece first or why that has to happen. Yeah. So I think getting into the call and being really upfront with the expectations. So if you know, as a salesperson, people always say to me, can I just see a demo? You want to start your call off and say, look, before we jump in, there's a couple of things that need to happen before we jump into a demo. I just want to make sure you're okay with them. Is that, is that all right if I run you through them? Yeah, go on. Normally I've got to ask you quite a few questions at the start. And if I'm honest with you, they're probably quite tough.
squirmy questions. I'm doing it because I just want to understand where we are, where to focus this demo on rather than just showing you actually everything we do. Is that okay? Or does that feel ridiculous? Yeah. Which nine times out of 10 people are going to go, no, no, no, that's fair. We talk about like demos and when, when you're selling software is there's a great thing we call the iPhone test. So if you walked into an iPhone, I said to you, I walked into an iPhone, an iPhone shop. I said, uh, is that great? Great to see you. What brought you in here today?
I just love iPhones. love iPhones. Okay. And typically what do you, what do you use your iPhone for? That is iPhone 4, iPhone 12. Very good. I use it for emailing, work. I'll take pictures, connecting with family, social media, like that. Cool. So what I'm not going to do, if I was to, in that environment, I'm not going to show you all the things that don't relate to that. I might show you.
I might dig a little bit deeper into emails and work and see if there's something that I can show you on the new iPhone that's going to help you. Might show you something to do with the videos, but I'm not going to show you how to produce short form content because you've not told me that's something you do. So typically with SaaS and software, it does hundreds of things and salespeople run in with the demo and show you all the things it can do. But a lot of it's irrelevant. What I want to know is does it solve this itch that I've got right now? And if you can show that and say,
Well, it does this. would solve that problem that you're struggling with. And it also does X, Y, Z that we could get into later on. Interesting. That's interesting because it actually is impulsive. If you're a salesperson doing a demo to want to show everything you're sure. Oh, and by the way, also does this as well. And it's got API integration as well. But if you got CRM and before you know it, you're just showing people all the pictures of your ugly baby that you're interested in. You know what I mean? Not your ugly baby. He's very cute. Thanks, mate. So, yeah, so I think
having a bit of reserve. You want your prospects to be leaving thinking, oh, I wonder what else it could do rather than I think I know everything that it does. And I taught a business wants to do a 10 minute demo. They were doing a demo that was an hour and a half. Right. It had a little bit of creds at the first, it had some testimonials, then they jump in and go through step by step exactly what the product could do on every single element. Right. So what I said was, let's do a big deep dive into one problem.
So the discovery can feel quite long and let's just do 10 focused minutes on exactly how to solve that problem as simple as possible and end it on, look, there's loads more this could probably do, but I just want this focus on that problem. What you leave them with then is the excitement roller coaster. I'm at the top and when we're at the top, you've gone close. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. And the other thing that probably like links nicely is tell me why I should work with you.
prospects come in and hot and they're like, tell me why I should work with you. And so many people just vomit all the good stuff, all the reasons like what, what we're award winning. We've done this. work with Tesco's bank, whatever it is, but it is about controlling your impulses. And there are certain answers that you can give to that question or that statement, because I actually think if you rush in and you vomit the chance are you probably going to lose it. do you work with anyone who's like us? Yeah. We also work with Tesco.
If you work with them, they're our biggest competitors. So we couldn't work with you rather than taking a second control on your impulse and saying, that's interesting. I don't want to sound like a classic salesperson. When you say people like you, what do you mean? Yeah. The biggest piece of advice I give to salespeople, especially when they're new on the phones is, and it sounds so stupid that you have to give this as advice, but think before you speak. Yeah. We love it. We'll get into a situation and we become the actor. Don't waste your hit me with something. I'll go,
Okay. Good question. But what I'm actually doing is I'm stalling for time. I'm buying a little bit of time. I'm going, okay. I'm taking that pause. We did an interview a while ago with, like a, was he? He was not a FBI agent, but he worked for like the ministry of defense. yeah. Yeah. And he used every question you'd ask him. He'd write it down first. Yes. Matthew done. Yes. And he take a moment to think.
and then he'd answer the question. Yeah, it was great. Every time you asked him that little pause, I've been going, and it might be the most straightforward question. It could be, um, how long have you been an author for? And he'd go.
I've been an author for Elon Musk does it as well. Yeah, I've seen him do it. He gets asked the question, he really thinks about it first. So think before you speak, salespeople. Control your impulses and make sure you take the bins out. I've been Jack Frimston. I've been Zach Thompson. Remember you will die. Sally.