Custom Feed: AND/OR Logic
Understanding 'AND' 'OR' Logic in Custom Feeds
When creating custom feeds a combination of 'and', 'or' logic is used. This video explains how this factors into your custom feeds.
Video Transcript
In this video, we’ll walk through the 'AND' / 'OR' logic used when creating custom feeds in Leadfeeder. This logic determines how your filters work together to surface the companies that matter most.
When setting up or editing custom feeds, 'OR' logic is used within single filters. For example, let’s say you’re capturing visits to domains that contain "lead," "feed," or "app." The feed will pull companies that visited any page with one of these terms in the domain.
Now, if you add another filter—like "Company Country" is set to France—the logic changes. Leadfeeder will collect companies that visited domains containing "lead," "feed," or "app," AND are based in France.
Here’s an example. We’ve set a feed that will collect companies visiting any of these three domain possibilities, as long as they come from Belgium OR France. Companies don't have to meet every qualification, but one from each group. In this case domain and country. You can set filters to combine a number of different qualifiers in a flexible way, this is only one example to show how the 'and' - 'or' logic would apply.
It’s also important to remember that the time period you select affects your feed’s results. For example, if you’re using "Page Title" as a filter, the identified company must have visited the selected URL during the chosen time period to show up in your feed.
Now, let’s talk about positive and negative filtering .If you use positive and negative filtering, for example, using the Tag filter, you get ‘AND’ logic within the same filter. Otherwise parameters within the same filter type use OR logic. In this example the feed includes companies that have the Prospect tag AND does not include companies with the Customer tag. Just keep in mind that it still says OR, but acts as AND when using positive and negative filtering.
By understanding how 'AND' and 'OR' logic works, you can create custom feeds that surface exactly the companies you want to see. Whether you need a narrow or broad list of companies, Leadfeeder’s filters give you the flexibility to focus on what matters most.