What the company Achieved with Dealfront
36% lower
costs per lead
75% less time
spent on research
lead quality
Get to Know the Company
Active Sourcing, Candidate Relationship Management or Employee recommendation programs — the talent relationship platform offers HR and Recruiting teams everything their hearts desire. The recruiting software company complements strategic applicant tracking systems (ATS) in application processes and eases the exchange between candidates and companies.
But how do they convert potential leads into happy customers? The successful symbiosis of B2B Sales and Marketing has always been the core of the company’s process. This is especially important to them because they have demanding lead requirements.
Since the recruiting software provider has a very specific Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), companies that didn’t have a recruiting or HR team weren’t considered potential customers. This posed a challenge in terms of B2B lead generation. However, this is where our Sales Intelligence Platform comes in.
The Challenge: Poor Leads at a High Price
You don’t have to look very far to find B2B leads: You can choose between mailing list brokers, lead tools, ads, or even content that siphon leads into your funnel. But not all leads are created equally! At the end of the day, the most important factors are the time and effort spent by your sales team generating leads that become customers.
The recruiting software provider was not immune to the challenges of B2B lead generation. The cost per lead was too high and often these leads didn’t fit into their ICP. They then began the search for a solution that would improve the overall prospecting as well as their B2B lead generation process.
Dealfront is equipped to take on both these issues — and more! For example, our Sales Intelligence Platform also helps with lead enrichment and qualification.
You’ve heard all the theories, but how does the company use Dealfront in practice?
The Solution: Better Leads, Performant Campaigns & More Time for the Main Work
The recruiting software company stumbled across Dealfront through a performance marketing agency that was already using our software. Curiosity led them to implement the platform for their LinkedIn campaigns and for sales preparation.
What were the results? Dealfront’s precise target audience selection enabled them to avoid wasted leads via their LinkedIn campaign optimization, which resulted in 36% lower costs per lead (CPL). But that’s not all! Identifying the right target group also helped improve their lead quality, meaning the sales department spent less time dealing with poor fit opportunities.
The recruiting software company also profited from the 360° company profiles that provided them with more in-depth, business-relevant information. Through this experience, the software provider highly recommends the implementation of Dealfront in Sales and Marketing. The alignment and close cooperation of both departments is a vital part of the company’s daily business. Their key to success: Sales & Marketing alignment + Dealfront = better lead generation.
Thanks to the precise segmentation in Dealfront, we can view specific target groups and in turn more finely target our LinkedIn ads.”
“Before we used Dealfront, we had a lot of leads that just weren’t worth following up on. Now, we can be sure that our sales efforts will pay off.”
Use Case: High-Conversion Campaigns in Marketing
The most important factor for the software provider’s target group campaign on LinkedIn was that the company listings in Dealfront matched their ICP exactly. To make sure this happened, they filtered their results based on the company size, revenue, and whether or not they had an internal talent acquisition (TA) or HR department.
The filtering was crucial to their search because they were only interested in larger companies with an internal HR department. Why was that so relevant? Usually, companies with an HR department already have talent acquisition processes in place.
Company Size: >400 Employees
Revenue: >25 Mio.
Job Title: Head of HR, Human Resources Manager

Then, the recruiting software company could export the company list to LinkedIn’s .csv format and upload it to campaign manager. This allowed them to target employees in companies that match their ICP and buyer persona - a ‘silver bullet’ of sorts.
Step 1: Export list

The export function in Dealfront
Step 2: Upload in LinkedIn

Upload in LinkedIn
Step 3: Choose which employees in the company should be displayed. In the case of the recruiting software company, only “Head of HR” or “Human Resources Manager”.
Extra Tip: Company lists from Dealfront are also great for creating a lookalike audience on LinkedIn. Or even easier, just create the lookalikes in Dealfront. This is how it works:
Step 1: Filter to find your target companies or use your own list of existing companies and save it as a list.
Step 2: Let Dealfront create topic clusters based on your list.

Company clusters in Dealfront: The basis of B2B lookalikes
Step 3: Select a cluster and voilà—the AI creates a list of digital twins for you!
Query by Applicant Management System
The big advantage that Dealfront provides the company’s marketing team with is that our Sales Intelligence Platform can perform both text and URL searches. That way, they can combine multiple, more specific filters or even directly target a particular applicant management system like SAP Success Factors or d.vinci.
Website Search: “SAP Success Factors” + “d.vinci”

Sales Preparation in Dealfront
Where the recruiting software provider’s marketing team carries out precise queries to target their audience with various campaigns, Sales uses Dealfront to save valuable preparation time. When an interesting company comes in as a lead, the sales team can view all relevant data. The data includes things such as revenue, company size, and location.
Apart from that, thanks to Dealfront, the sales department can also view relevant company news to use as part of their sales pitch. That is how the software provider was able to reduce the time spent on their research process by 75%.
Dealfront also offers a useful feature for social selling: The recruiting software company can see all relevant contacts immediately including their LinkedIn/XING profiles, phone numbers or email addresses. If that wasn’t enough,every piece of data is completely GDPR-compliant!

360° Company Profile in Dealfront
To Sum it up: The Recruiting Software Company Sees Even Greater Potential in Dealfront
The best-case scenario would be when all departments could benefit from a tool as well as enjoy working with it. At the company, sales and marketing work hand-in-hand to achieve success. Dealfront has given them a way to attain their goals by providing the company with high-quality company lists that are more finely tuned and B2B leads of higher quality.
This means that Marketing can place ads more efficiently and Sales can save time during their preparation for cold calling.
“Dealfront has simplified our B2B lead generation enormously and it’s also great that more than one department can use the platform. There is so much more to discover about the tool.”