The most accurate B2B data for Europe

Access the most accurate, up-to-date, and truly compliant B2B data for Europe and beyond.
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We meet the highest industry standards



ISO 27001


ISO 27701


Hosting and Data

processing in Europe

Built on Public and

Trade Register Data

Full Transparency

on Data Sources

What Makes Our Data Unique

Our deep data is based on entries in national trade registers and chambers of commerce, as well as other publicly available data sources, often enriched with firmographics and financials.

Global Data




USA & Rest of the World




Rest of the World

Deep European Data






United Kingdom






Northern Ireland


















The data we provide

We use language-specific AI models for data extraction and classification.

Company Data

Trade Register address, description and associated keywords, employees, revenue, industry, VAT, commercial register entries, website data, and social accounts.

Contact Data

Job title/position, department, and hierarchy level. Contact details like validated email, phone numbers, or social business accounts.

Trigger events & News

33 trigger events such as change in management, trade fair participation, expansion, financing, and more. News about or from the company comes from online sources and social media.

IP/ Website traffic data

Companies identified visiting your website. Including the pages they visited, the actions they took on the website and the traffic sources that brought them to the website.


Revenue, earnings, balance sheets, revenue per employee, cash on hand, financial statements, etc.


Shop systems, analytics tools, payment solutions, delivery services, web development, and more.

Job listings

Job offers are published by the company on job portals, social media, or their website. Personnel changes like change of management, staff cuts, and team expansion.

Social posts

Information from and about the company is published on social media.

What makes our data unique

Our AI technologies and crawlers provide you with deep B2B that also can show buying intent while at the same time maintaining true GPDR compliance.

Deep Data

Our crawler technology based on AI ensures a deep dive into online content. Compared to others, we don’t just scratch the surface: Dealfront crawls company websites, social media platforms, and national trade registers. This is data on a new level.

Intent data

By revealing the companies behind your website visits, we help you learn exactly what they're interested in. Combined with our AI and up to 33 Trigger Events like financing, partnerships, expansion plans, and more, we can to show you what your prospects are interested in and when you should reach out.

Learn more about Buying Intent Signals

IP Database

Dealfront’s tracking code, machine learning, and our expansive databases come together to analyze your site visitors. Using domains, locations, IP addresses, and contacts, we reveal what companies your visitors work for, even if they are working remotely. That data is matched with our contact database to deliver contact info and social media accounts of the best point of contact.

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True Compliance

Dealfront promises risk-free data up to the highest data protection standards.​ We don’t hack data! We only collect publicly available data from a variety of online sources, which we also indicate next to each piece of information in our tools.

Learn more about True Compliance and GDPR  
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How do we do it?

We need to combine the best sources to provide you with the most accurate B2B data for Europe. Therefore we cover different types of public sources in addition to specially developed machine learning models.

IP Data

Our unique static and dynamic IPs database helps us identify companies visiting your website, even if their employees work remotely. Also, our IP database serves your B2B ads to the right target accounts.

Web-crawling coverage

Our proprietary crawler technologies automatically extract contact details from all available online sources like social media profiles, news articles, trade registers, and diverse databases.

Language AI models

We've packed our software with unique, efficient, and self-developed high-tech AI features. We use machine learning to analyze all relevant public content, recognize business-relevant events and company names in text, and find all publicly available email addresses on the web.

Commercial registries

Dealfront is one of the very few providers that source official commercial registry data, which is publicly available. With this data, our AI can create B2B lookalikes and cluster your customers to reveal similarities and segments.

“With our data packages, we developed something truly unique in the field of sales and marketing intelligence. Especially our trigger events enable users to fully scan the market and take selling to another level. Our crawlers and AI powered technologies improve continuously.”
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Dr.-Eng. Matthias Keller

Vice President Data Science @ Dealfront

Why Dealfront?

Find out why Dealfront is the leading GTM platform for Europe.

Our Deep Data always comes with public source links, keeping you on the safe side when it comes to the strict European data policies.
The country-based firmographics and real entities data go beyond just brands and domains. Our data comes from official references.
Our unique combination of data sources helps you identify your prospects and their interests, even if they are working remotely.
The platform even sources data from news and social media content to provide further insights into your companies of interest.
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Want to know more?

Our customers say it better

9 out of 10 customers agree that the quality of Dealfront data is superior to other providers

Save time and update your data with perfect data quality. Very user friendly and powerful.

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Christian W.

Marketing & National Product Responsible

Excellent source of information and easy access to information on companies, which can be filtered by Region, Industry-Sector, and many more.

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Michael V.

Senior Research Consultant

Everything I need to improve our sales performance with just a few clicks. The data quality is excellent and the target lists are easy to use.

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Charlotte R.


Grow with truly compliant B2B data

GDPR Compliant

Built & Hosted in EU

Deep B2B Data

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